Mindful Booster
Research shows that mindfulness practice tends to decrease over time, and with that, we slowly lose touch with the mindful attitude towards ourselves and/or others. Instead of being conscious of our automatic patterns, and purposefully chosing more deliberate ways of responding, over time, automatic behaviour starts to arise again.
Note to Mind offers two ways to stay connected to the mindful stance, so that you can continue to benefit from its positive effects; via one or several individual booster sessions, recurrent monthly group return meetings or joining a silent day.

Monthly Return Meetings (90 min)
Each month we come together with those who are committed to practice mindfulness and/or compassion on a regular basis. Roughly the first half an hour is spend on bringing forward challenges that one encounters in order to gain new insights, the next half an hour is dedicated to meditating together, and lastly there is room to share our experiences to learn from each other and further deepen our self-knowledge.
Time & Dates
The monthly return meetings take place on a Sunday each month from 7.30 to 9.00pm. Check out the Agenda for the specific dates of 2025.
€ 39,- / return meeting
€ 29,- / return meeting (half year)
€ 19,- / return meeting (one year)
Silent Days (4-6hrs)
Roughly each two months several silent days are provided. For example, mindfulness silent days, which are embedded in the 8 week mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) training. While others are more focused on additional themes, such as (self-)compassion, or (re-)connecting to your core values and intention setting.
Time & Dates
See agenda below.
€ 35 - 175,- depending on silent day. See Upcoming Events here below or the full Agenda for further specifications.